Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fall Is Coming


I love California weather. As you both have talked about droughts and crazy hot and humid weather, I was just thinking how much I love it here! This past week, it never even got close to 90. It's been in the high 60s and 70s all week, and it's been super sunny every day! At night, the fog and clouds roll in from the ocean which causes it to cool off to the 50s, then the fog usually lingers around until 10 or 11 and then it all goes away and it leaves us with a perfectly sunny day of about 70 degrees with a nice breeze. I love it! Depending on how long the fog lingers around effects the temperature of the day. We had our ward picnic this last Saturday and the fog stayed in until about 1, and it was in the mid 60s all day. It was glorious!

Before I forget, because I know I will, can ya'll send my a nice electrical shaver? I'm tired of using a razor blade every day... It gets very monotonous. Yes dad, I have to shave daily now. Crazy, huh? When I get home, expect me to grow out a very very patchy... something. I wouldn't call it a beard, or anything similar, but it is something. Also, concerning picking me up after my mission. I know that mom said that she'd rather me come home and get my foot fixed and whatnot and THEN go out to visit. I'm curious to what you think dad. My thinking is, trying to be realistic, when I come home in January, there is hardly any chance that I'll be able to get my foot fixed right away between getting x-rays and whatever on it to see how it's doing, then the actual surgery and recovery which undoubtedly will take at least 1 1/2 months plus rehab. And, knowing you both, we'll do some kind of vacation which will take a week as well, and with me going back to school April 30th, plus getting a place to stay and whatnot... I just think that it doesn't leave much time to do all that much. You all might think different, but that's what I think at least. So, let us continue to discuss. Talk it over amongst yourselves, and pray about it. I'll do whatever you want, but I would like to get back out here ASAP. So whether, we come together when you pick me up, or we wait until the week between the Spring and Summer Terms, I'm going to go for a weekend or something when I'm at school. That was a lot to say about not much, huh?

Anyway, now to my report on the week. We had a really good week! It was a bit slower though. We dropped a few of our 'gators that had baptismal dates mostly because I haven't even met them yet and I've been here like 4 weeks now (that went by really fast!). We have T, a little 10 year old (he isn't that little) Laotian is getting baptized this coming Saturday! We are very excited! And then Tony is going to get baptized the week after that! So, we are very excited about that. Tonight we are having a big Laotian Family Home Evening at our Stake President's home, I am excited for that too! The Laotians have taught us a bit of Lao... I can't spell the words that they taught me, but I know how to say "cry baby," "hello, how are you," "goodbye," "I'm hungry," "thank you very much," "dog," "come here," and that's about it! It's fun to learn that language. It's crazy to listen to as well. Elder Evans and i are still getting along great, good things are happening and we certainly recognize the Lord's hand in this work that we are doing. Despite losing some investigators, we see the miracles that are being performed. About 2 weeks ago now, I started reading "Jesus The Christ." Holy cow, that book is MASSIVE! I've had it with me my whole mission, and I've attempted to read it once, but only got to page 12..... but this time around, I just seems to have a greater knowledge and understanding and I love it! It is such a great book! If either of you haven't read it, DO IT! There are 42 chapters, and I'm on chapter 16 I think, and I get through about a chapter or 2 a day. I have learned so much about the Savior and His life, it's a great book! Read it! I have so much that I want to read when I get home... I'm excited!

Anyway, nothing else to report on. Things are going well, it's hard to believe that another transfer is almost over! Elder Evans got his "pink slip" this week too. The Pink Slip is a pink piece of paper that missionaries get when they are only a few months from going home. It's just a thing that we need to fill out about what airport we are going home to and everything so that the church can begin to book flights. It is a big moment in the life of a missionary. Elder Evans is only 1 transfer out longer than me, so I expect to receive my pink slip next transfer. That's a weird feeling! Time flies...

I love you both, thank you very much for your encouragement and support. Remember to please send me an electrical shaver, that would be SO greatly appreciated. You can send it to the address that you have. Thank you dad for your little notes that you send me too. Which reminds me, I wrote a letter to gma a few months back, and I lost her address so I haven't ever been able to send it yet......... I know I'm bad! But, I wrote her! The letter is stamped and everything, I just need to put an address on it. So, if you could send me that, that would be great and let her know that I haven't forgotten about her!

My Address here is 155 Stony Point Rd., #15, Santa Rosa, CA 95401.

Elder Brennan

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