Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October 31, 2001

Parent Dears,

Ya'll are lucky that I have time to write you after reading those monster emails. I was aware that the Cardinals won the World Series...in fact, I saw the last 3 innings. We were at a LA's house that we're working on to quit smoking (he hasn't smoked in about 15 days now!) so that he can get the Melchizedek Priesthood and he makes us watch...it was good. I heard about Game 6. The LA told us ALL about it. It was awesome to hear. Glad to hear about OSU too! Finally they can win...BYU has been doing pretty well too lately from what I hear. TCU is usually real good, so at least they didn't get killed.

Miracles continue to happen with Elder Anderson and myself. We have 5 people with a baptismal date right now and we had 5 investigators at Church. Bryce (De's son) is getting baptized this coming Sunday. Then on the 13th we'll have 3 more baptisms. Then if things work out we should have 2 more on the 20th. Things are so awesome right now!

So tonight is Halloween...we're doing nothing. Pres. doesn't want us out proselyting or knocking doors or anything, so we're gonna go to the Church and play ball. President HATES Halloween...he says  he says it's a Satanic holiday hahaha he's a funny guy. We had a meeting with him on Friday called Zone Leader Council, all the Zone Leaders in the mission meet together and have a big council with president. It was awesome! Pres was fired up! He is a VERY passionate man, and also very very inspired. I love that guy! He only has 8 months left... I love being able to have a somewhat personal relationship with him. Anyway, it was awesome!
Today we went and golfed 9 holes this morning. I'm improving! My drives still are terrible, in the sense that I seem to have an extremely bad case of slicing... I don't know what to do, I always seem to slice the ball. But, my fairway hits with the irons have improved greatly! I almost got PAR on a PAR 4! I had a decent drive, hit 2 5 irons on the fairway and made it onto the green in 3 hits... but then my putting got the best of me... I ended up getting a Bogie. But I felt good! Just like you said pops, I had some very good hits, and some not so good hits... I only lost 1 or 2 balls this time! It's pretty easy to lose balls because there is a creek with tons of trees that surrounds the course and most of the greens have this ditch/stream/forest behind them, and along the right side of the holes (for those that slice like me) to lose balls. Oh well, I improved! I hit a 52 on it, and it's a PAR 33. I'm getting better!
I hope ya'll have a good week! I love you guys so much! Thank you for all the support that you give me. I still need some more socks!
Elder Brennan

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