Wow, it's been forever since I've been able to write. Last Monday I couldn't write because I was traveling and such. But now I'm out in the field and it is my first official P-day. So, yes, mom, P-day is Monday. And I see that you got my apartment address already, so sweet! It's just me and my trainer-Elder Marsh. He's been out for 20 months so he is almost done. He only has 2 more transfers, I think. He is a good trainer to the fact that he is so experienced, but also because he is so experienced he is moving at about 117mph whereas I'm only at about 31mph. But it's good! I like him a lot and we have no contention between us which is nice.
So, this first week was AWESOME. In the fact that the weather has been upper 70s and lower 80s. It was 85 on Thursday!!!!!!!! It's incredible here. Napa is really nice. It's in a valley and there are super green hill/mountains all around the town. So, I'm really enjoying it. I'm not timid anymore when it comes to tracting or street contacting. I've had a lot of people just close the door in my face, too, but that's okay. Another guy said he's studied the Book of Mormon and he said that Mormons don't believe in Jesus Christ. He continued saying that our church leaders worship the devil and things like that. So that was interesting. Don't know where people get that stuff. I did, however, find someone that invited us back so I got my first return appointment on like Wednesday. We have 2 people set up for baptisms this month, and hopefully we'll have a few more. We street contacted into a lady yesterday who said she has been attending many churches and she is searching. Good thing we found her huh?!
But I'm loving the work! It is EXTREMELY hard, though. We only taught maybe 7-9 lessons this week and our goal is 15. I've found out that a lot of the day is just going around trying to catch people at home. It's about 75% chasing people around trying to catch them. So it definitely is HARD.
So waking up at 6:30 is even harder now by the way. I feel like that guy on The District. I'm ALWAYS tired. It's pretty rough right now with how tired I am. This work is HARD! like I said, but I'm pushin' through. I know what I'm doing is right. But, yeah, this is where I need to be and I'm trying my hardest to share the Gospel. I feel good doing it. Especially after I got through the timid/hesitant phase of my first few days out here. Now I just go straight up to people and start talking to them.
So this week with our lessons, Elder Marsh taught the huge majority of them, but slowly he is bringing me in. I taught a lesson last night to Bryan (getting baptized a week from sat) that went decently well. I love Bryan! He is an ex-marine and has tons of crazy stories. He's gonna teach me how to fend off the gangsta/mexicans of Napa haha. He's great! he shows people the BOM all the time and he passes out our little pass-along cards to people too. He is more of a missionary than almost anyone in our ward and he isn't even a member yet!
But our ward is SUPER nice! According to Elder Marsh, we have the best bishop in the mission. Bishop Kastner runs a car dealership and he is a fantastic missionary! Members are HUGE assets to the work. In a lot of ways, they are a WHOLE lot more effective/important than the missionaries. The members don't hardly use us, so we're trying to stress that. So for all of you out there (including you DAD!) USE THE MISSIONARIESSSSS!!!!!!!!! Take them with you when you hometeach or when you visit people. But really... use the missionaries. Also give them referrals! We can't get any referrals from the ward and that is a huge set back for us because we have to find everyone on our own--which is hard.
But yeah, I'm doin the best I can! I'm memorizing a scripture a day which is sweet! I've noticed my memory improves a ton as well. I'm remembering things that i wouldn't normally remember. Its good brain exercise. so for you old people out there, memorize scrips and you won't be so forgetful! Just kidding of course! Old people are the best!
Uhmmmmm you probably had more questions but I can't really remember what they were... as i just talked about remembering things hahaha oh shucks! OHHH! yes! send me snail mail as well as emails! I like all sorts of mail!
My district is awesome, Elder marsh is the DL, and we have a car and bikes, although our car is being taken from us on Wednesday, so we'll be on bikes for a long time which SUCKS! It's flippin hot outside! We ate at a member's house last night and we ate OUTSIDE on the patio... incredible! it's only the beginning of Feb. Blows my mind. Our zone leaders are also awesome as well as the rest of the zone.
Our apartment is decent. Not the best, but it works. Our shower has stupidly ridiculous water pressure. I'm not sure what is up with it. It's comparable to a fire hose. It shoots out at about 100 mph. That'll wake ya up in the morning... but it's better than just a little dribble I guess right? It actually kinda hurts, man is that thing ridiculous.
I'm living off of nothing! It's crazy. I've had about 8-10 turkey/ham sandwiches this week for lunch and dinner with nothing but bread and mustard and mayo. Delicious! I also drank a gallon of milk in a week. Not a lot of variety, but I'm doin' fine! This email is MASSIVE. I've just realized. Sorry! Have fun putting this up on the blog and editing it.
But I have to go now. I have to email the pres. He is awesome, by the way. I found out not too long ago that they have pink tie Tuesdays! So you should send me my pink tie! (his wife has breast cancer). I ALSO found out that Pres. bunker is leaving like a few months before I'll be done. which kinda sucks because I'll have a new president to deal with and also new rules and such. Gonna be interesting. I wish i could stay with Pres. bunker the whole time.
Anyway, enjoy Belgium mom! Tell everyone hi for me! and make good choices and pray and read your scriptures every day like me! Seriously, we pray about 50 times a day. It's awesome. I'm almost done with the BOM again too which is sweet! About another 2-3 weeks and I'll finish it. Then I'm gonna read the New Testament. Man so much info!!! ahhhH!!!!!!! Well, until next Monday! Send me some good stuff in the mail and also email! And I don't have time to write Colin and Tanner right now, so can you give them a call for me and let them know how I'm doing? Let them know I love them! And I love you guys too! You're great parents! Keep up the good work! Love you both! Give Maxwell loves for me, I miss that pup... bye! Have a good week!
Love, Elder Edwards
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