I only have 26 minutes to write! We're put on a timer here so I'm not going to worry too much about grammar and whatnot. But anyway! Dear elder does WORK. I've gotten those the same day you wrote them so keep sending those! Once I get out in the field you won't be ale to use that service anymore, it only works while I'm at the MTC. Thanks for the cookies too, haha. They were enjoyed. But newsssss, hmmm...I don't even know what to say! The days just mesh together here and there is always so much going on that I can't remember certain things. But I'll try and remember for you....uhhh, I'm getting used to getting up at 6:15 every day so that is nice. We've done a TON of teaching! I really feel like I'm getting a whole lot better at it. It's really a HARD thing. "Don't teach lessons, teach people." That is a really hard principle to follow. You only have 45 minutes for a lesson (not supposed to be longer than that) and if you're visiting that investigator for the first time you have to find out what they're like and what they're concerns/problems are and then teach according to those things. I have the first 2 lessons memorized in the sense that I know all the doctrines and principles in them. I know good scriptures in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon for both of them as well. I'm starting to memorize a lot of scriptures as well. I have a goal to memorize 1 scripture a day. Speaking of scriptures, I bought a new set. I got a Bible and a Book of Mormon in a separate thing so I can cross referece really easy. I got the blue with the silver pages! I'm going to start color coordinating my markings in them also. I already have a little template down.
But anyway, that's boring news. Uhmmm, exciting.... OH! We had a devotional last night that was AWESOME. It's always one of the general authorities. I was hoping for Pres. Monson, but it was Elder David F. Evans of the First Presidency of the Seventy. I kinda feel like someone called him Monday night and asked him to speak Tuesday night because he talked about Pres. Monson the whole time. It was a great talk! But half of it was quotes and teachings from Pres. Monson. I've never really thought about a prophet in our day TODAY. I've beeh so focused on Joseph Smith that I kinda forgot we have a living prophet. Haha, is that bad? But last night was awesome. My whole district sings in the MTC choir and we sang Joseph's First Prayer. It was an AWESOME arrangement. I got chills and shivers going down my spine the whole time!
I can't believe I'e been here for 2 and a half weeks already... it's really crazy how time is flying by, and it's even more crazy how much I'm learning. I study all day, every day, literally. I taught my district in Sunday School (that's the DL's job is to teach on Sunday) and I wasn't nervous or anything. I was confident and I feel like I did pretty well, although it was on the Great Apostasy and the Restoration which I've been studying ever sine I stepped foot in this place - haha.
Anyway, I'm getting along with everyone really well and made some new sister friends in another district that has their classroom right next to ours, They are a lot of fun and the elders in their class are pretty lame and boring it seems like, but my elders and sisters are the BOMB! I've been trying to convince Elder Norwood to transfer to BYU after our missions and we'll live together. He's from SLC and went to community college there. He's a whole lot of fun! So is his companion - Elder Halle (pronounced like Halle Berry).
I can't believe it's the Steeler and Packers in the Super Bowl!??! Who would have thought... I'm glad the Pats and the Jets didn't make it though. I was hoping Atlanta would make it, they deserve to have a ring with Matt Ryan. It's weird talking about sports, haven't done that since I left to come here. Everything is so weird! I don't feel 19 years old... more like 20+. Boys really do become men in the MTC. That's what G-ma told me before I left. She also sent me a package full of candies. Haha, bless her heart! The uptight elder in our district is finally chillin out so that is good too! Everything is really meshing together. But I really have to owe my growth in knowledge to my teachers. I have 2 of THE best teachers I've ever had in my life. I'm convinced they're some of the best in the MTC. Brother Kirk (from somewhere in Texas and served in Mississippi and Brother Bastian from I can't remember and served in Kenya). They're amazing They make us figure things out on our own, They WON'T answer questions - haha - it gets kind of annoying but it makes me work for it and it's really paying off. I've become real independent with my learning. If I have a question, thanks to Bro. Bastian, I search and search and pray until I find one. They're awesome and I love them. Not only are they great teachers, they're AMAZING people. So much fun. Bro. Kirk is so goofy and fun. Ahhhh - I want to take them with me. Oh well... me and my companion are getting along pretty well too so that is always good. I'm preparing myself for that weird comp that I WILL get out in the field. I keep wanting to say when I get out on my mission, but then I remember I AM on my mission right now. Weird. I miss my puppy too. Give him some love from me!
Alright, I gotta wrap up. I gotta write Colin and Tanner.
Love, Elder Edwards
P.S. Send me a package of collar things please. I realize how important they ar and I need some, ASAP! If possible!
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