You may be wondering what this is... well, me and my roommate, Logan, have a "prank war" going on with our buddies across the hall, Scott and Tanner. It all started off with a few hidden banana peels, and then it escalated to having snow thrown on you in the shower and while your sleeping... And now this, duck tape over the door. Don't worry, the doors open inwards, just wanted to leave them a surprise when they opened it next.
Me and my friend Alison just rockin out at a dance party... you know how we do.
Ahhh... snowboarding. One of my favorite things. I went today to Park City with some friends and I loved it. It doesn't compare to the alps... but it was still awesome! I have to go as much as possible with my few weeks left!
This is my friend Scott... He was taken unawares with a picture at a basketball game.
My boy Max. I had this picture sent to me from my dad. Apparently Max thinks he's a dachshund and digging out some rodent. Gotta love that pup.
FAMILY TIME!!! One of our FEW good pictures as a family with my cousins (on my momma's side). It was awesome to be home and to see all of them. Definitely gonna miss family Thanksgiving for 2 years. I'm sure I'll be well fed though!
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